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Controls double-click behavior -더블클릭....
Command line: dblclkedit -명령어를 넣습니다.
Enter double-click editing mode [ON/OFF] <ON>:  -사용 유무를 하실수 있습니다.

DBLCLICKEDIT controls whether double-clicking an object results in the display of a dialog box. If double-click editing is turned on, one of several dialog boxes may be displayed, depending on the object type that is double clicked.

When you double-click most objects, the Properties window is displayed. Double-clicking some types of objects displays specialized editors that are more powerful, convenient, or frequently used.
-뭐 대강 해석하자면..
-객체에 대해 더블클릭하면.. 속성이 화면에 나타납니다..
-어떤 객체들에 대해서는.. 조금더 파워풀.. convenient, 자유스러운?
수정을 하실수 있습니다.
Objects that display specialized editors when double-clicked include
-그 객체는 밑에와 같습니다.
Attribute: Displays the Edit Attribute Definition dialog box (DDEDIT).
Attribute within a block: Displays the Enhanced Attribute Editor (EATTEDIT)
Block: Displays the Reference Edit dialog box (REFEDIT).
Hatch: Displays the Hatch Edit dialog box (HATCHEDIT).
Leader text: Displays the Multiline Text Editor dialog box (DDEDIT).
Mline: Displays the Multiline Edit Tools dialog box (MLEDIT).
Mtext: Displays the Multiline Text Editor dialog box (DDEDIT).
Text: Displays the Edit Text dialog box (DDEDIT).
Xref: Displays the Reference Edit dialog box (REFEDIT).

ps. 다른 명령어를 나타나게 할수 있는지는 찾아봐야 될거 같습니다..