1. 이 리습은 치수가 블럭화되어 있지않고 그냥 치수선과 치수문자가
    분리되어 그려줍니다.
2. 단선치수,및 다중치수가 가능하고요
   치수선끝에 버블및 주열번호까지 한번에 그릴수있습니다.
3. 수평칫수-DH명령 상하부에 그릴수있고요
    수직치수-DV영령 좌우측에 그릴수있어요

R14에서는 사용가능 하고요
2000에서는 치수선만 그려지고 치수text가 안써지면서 이런 메세지가뜨네요
error: incorrect object to bind: T

참 좋은 리습인데 그냥 버리기가 넘아까워요
아무리봐도 이상해요
R11부터 R14까지 잘 쓰던것이 왜 안되는지.

파일을 올리려고 하는데 사용권한이 없데요?
파일 올리느데도 권한이 필요한가요??

하수연님, 추운겨울님 관심 가져주셔서 고맙습니다.

버블과도트(dwg)는 메일 보내수심 보내드릴께요
고수님들 부탁좀 드릴께요.

      (COMMAND "LAYER" "S" Q:LA "")
      (COMMAND "LAYER" "M" Q:LA "")

; dimsion Text Conversion Sub-Program

(defun txtcon(txt / n no n1 n2 txts t tt)
   (setq tt (rtos txt 2 0))
   (setq n (strlen tt))
   (if (> n 3)
         (setq n1 (rem n 3))
         (setq n2 (/ (- n n1) 3))
         (setq no 1)
         (setq txts "")
         (repeat (1+ n2)
            (if (< no (1+ n2))
               (setq t (strcat "." (substr tt (- (1+ n) (* 3 no)) 3)))
               (setq t (substr tt 1 n1))
            (setq txts (strcat t txts))
            (setq no (1+ no))
         (setq txt txts)
      (setq txt tt)

; Bubble Inserting Sub-Program

(defun bip(pt scf ang)
       (LASET "dim")
       (command "insert" "bubble" pt ds "" ang)

; Drawing Bubble-text Sub-program

(defun dbt(pt h ang txt)
     (LASET "dim")
     (command "text" "m" pt h ang txt)

; Downside dimsion Line DWG. Program

(defun dwgdimud(/ dbpt no dist x1 x2 y1 y2 l pt1 pt2 pt h ang)
   (princ "\n ")
   (setq dbpt (getpoint "\n>>> Location of Horizontal dimsion :"))
   (setvar "blipmode" 0)
   (setq dbpt (list (car bpt) (cadr dbpt)))
   (setq ang1 (angle bpt dbpt))
   (setq no 1)
   (setq dist 0)
   (setq l (append '(0.0) clist))
   (setq x1 (car dbpt))
      (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
          (setq y1 (- (cadr bpt) (* 3.0 ds)))
      (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
          (setq y1 (+ (cadr bpt) (* 3.0 ds)))
   (repeat (1+ cno)
      (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
            (if (= sd "D")              
               (if (and (< 1 no) (< no (1+ cno)))
                  (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) (* 6.0 ds)))
                  (setq y2 (- (cadr dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)))
             (if (= sd "S")              
                (setq y2 (- (cadr dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)))
      (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
            (if (= sd "D")              
               (if (and (< 1 no) (< no (1+ cno)))
                  (setq y2 (- (cadr dbpt) (* 6.0 ds)))
                  (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)))
            (if (= sd "S")              
               (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)))
      (setq dist (+ dist (nth (1- no) l)))
      (setq x2 (+ x1 dist))
      (setq pt1 (list x2 y1))
      (setq pt2 (list x2 y2))
      (LASET "dim")
      (command "line" pt1 pt2 "")
      (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
            (if (= sd "D")
               (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) (* 8.0 ds)))
            (if (= sd "S")
               (setq y2 (cadr dbpt))
      (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
            (if (= sd "D")
               (setq y2 (- (cadr dbpt) (* 8.0 ds)))
            (if (= sd "S")
               (setq y2 (cadr dbpt))
      (setq pt (list x2 y2))
      (command "insert" "dimdot" pt (* 1.5 ds) "" "")
      (if (= sd "D")
            (if (or (= 1 no) (= no (1+ cno)))
                  (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
                        (setq pt (list 0.0 (* -8.0 ds)))
                        (command "copy" "last" "" "0,0" pt)
                  (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
                        (setq pt (list 0.0 (* 8.0 ds)))
                        (command "copy" "last" "" "0,0" pt)
     (setq no (1+ no))
   (setq pt1 (list (- (car dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)) (cadr dbpt)))
   (setq pt2 (list (+ (car dbpt) (apply '+ clist) (* 2.0 ds)) (cadr dbpt)))
   (command "line" pt1 pt2 "")
   (if (= sd "D")
         (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
            (setq pt (list 0.0 (* 8.0 ds)))
         (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
            (setq pt (list 0.0 (* -8.0 ds)))
         (command "copy" "last" "" "0,0" pt)
; DWG dimsion-text
   (LASET "dim")
   (setq no 1)
   (setq dist 0)
   (setq l (append '(0.0) clist))
   (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
      (if (= sd "S")
         (setq x1 (car dbpt))
   (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
      (setq x1 (car dbpt)
            y1 (- (cadr dbpt) (* 7.0 ds))
   (if (= sd "D")
        (repeat (1+ cno)
           (if (= no 1)
                 (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) (* 1.0 ds)))
                 (setq x2 (+ (car dbpt) (/ (apply '+ clist) 2)))
                 (setq txt (apply '+ clist))
                 (setq txt (txtcon txt))
                 (setq pt (list x2 y2))
                 (setq h (* 3.0 ds))
                 (command "text" "c" pt h "0" txt)
                 (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
                    (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) (* 9.0 ds)))
                 (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
                    (setq y2 (- (cadr dbpt) (* 7.0 ds)))
                 (setq txt (nth (1- no) l))
                 (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
                    (setq x2 (+ (car dbpt) dist (/ txt 2)))
                 (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
                    (setq x2 (+ x1 dist (/ txt 2)))
                 (setq dist (+ txt dist))
                 (setq txt (txtcon txt))
                 (setq pt (list x2 y2))
                 (setq h (* 3.0 ds))
                 (command "text" "c" pt h "0" txt)
           (setq no (1+ no))
   (if (= sd "S")
         (repeat cno
            (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) (* 1.0 ds)))
            (setq txt (nth no l))
            (setq x2 (+ x1 dist (/ txt 2)))
            (setq dist (+ txt dist))
            (setq txt (txtcon txt))
            (setq pt (list x2 y2))
            (setq h (* 3.0 ds))
            (command "text" "c" pt h "0" txt)
            (setq no (1+ no))
; DWG Column-bubbles
   (setq a (strcase (getstring "\n>>> Do you want to draw column-bubbles? <n> : ")))
   (if (= a "Y")
         (setq no 1)
         (setq l (append '(0.0) clist))
         (setq dist 0)
         (setq x1 (car dbpt))
         (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
            (setq y1 (- (cadr dbpt) (* 6.0 ds)))
         (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
            (setq y1 (+ (cadr dbpt) (* 6.0 ds)))
         (repeat (1+ cno)
            (setq dist (+ dist (nth (1- no) l)))
            (setq x2 (+ x1 dist))
            (setq pt (list x2 y1))
            (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
               (setq ang "180")
            (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
               (setq ang "0")
            (bip pt ds ang)
            (setq a (strcase (getstring "\n>>> Here? <Column Number or No!> : ")))
            (if (= a "N")
               (command "erase" "last" "")
                  (if (= sd "D")
                        (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
                           (setq pt (list x2 (- y2 (* 26.02 ds))))
                        (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
                           (setq pt (list x2 (+ y2 (* 24.01 ds))))
                   (if (= sd "S")
                         (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
                            (setq pt (list x2 (- y2 (* 18.02 ds))))
                         (if (= ang1 (dtr 90))
                            (setq pt (list x2 (+ y2 (* 16.01 ds))))
                    (setq txt a)
                    (setq h (* 4.0 ds))
                    (if (= ang1 (dtr 270))
                       (setq ang "0")
                    (dbt pt h ang txt)
            (setq no (1+ no))
; Main Program

(defun C:DH(/ pt l no no1 no2 a dist os)
   (princ ">>> [DH] Horizon dimsion+Line.....")
      (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
      (setvar "orthomode" 1)
      (setq ds1 (getvar "dimscale"))
      (if (<= ds1 600)
         (setq ds (* 1.0 ds1))
      (if (> ds1 600)
         (setq ds (* 0.6666666 ds1))
      (command "style" "romans" "" "0" "" "" "" "" "")
      (initget 1 "S D  ")
      (if (= sd nil) (setq sd "S"))
      (setq sd1 (getkword (strcat "\n>>> <S>ingle or <D>ouble [" sd "] :")))
      (if (member sd1 '("S" "D")) (setq sd sd1))
      (setvar "blipmode" 1)
      (setvar "osmode" 1)
      (initget 1)
      (setq bpt (getpoint "\n>>> Pick Basepoint :"))
      (setq clist '())
      (setq cno 0)
      (setq pt bpt)
      (while pt
         (setq no1 (itoa cno) no2 (itoa (1+ cno)))
         (setq a (strcat no1 " and " no2 ": "))
         (setvar "osmode" 128)
            (princ "\n>>> Pick Next Point :")
            (princ a)
            (setq dist (getdist pt))
            (if dist
                  (setq pt (polar pt 0.0 dist))
                  (setq dist (list dist))
                  (setq clist (append clist dist))
                  (setq cno (1+ cno))
               (setq pt nil)
      (setvar "osmode" 0)
      (command "style" "romans" "" "0" "" "" "" "" "")
      (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
      (setvar "blipmode" 1)

      (COMMAND "LAYER" "S" Q:LA "")
      (COMMAND "LAYER" "M" Q:LA "")

; Downside dimsion Line DWG. Program

(defun dwgdimrl(/ dbpt no dist x1 x2 y1 y2 l pt1 pt2 pt h ang)
   (princ "\n ")
   (setq dbpt (getpoint "\n>>>Location of Vertical dimsion :"))
   (setvar "blipmode" 0)
   (setq dbpt (list (car dbpt) (cadr bpt)))
   (setq ang1 (angle bpt dbpt))
   (setq no 1)
   (setq dist 0)
   (setq l (append '(0.0) rlist))
      (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
         (setq x1 (- (car bpt) (* 3.0 ds)))
      (if (= ang1 0)
         (setq x1 (+ (car bpt) (* 3.0 ds)))
      (setq y1 (cadr dbpt))
      (repeat (1+ rno)
         (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
               (if (= sd "D")              
                  (if (and (< 1 no) (< no (1+ rno)))
                     (setq x2 (+ (car dbpt) (* 6.0 ds)))
                     (setq x2 (- (car dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)))
               (if (= sd "S")              
                  (setq x2 (- (car dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)))
      (if (= ang1 0)
            (if (= sd "D")              
               (if (and (< 1 no) (< no (1+ rno)))
                  (setq x2 (- (car dbpt) (* 6.0 ds)))
                  (setq x2 (+ (car dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)))
            (if (= sd "S")              
               (setq x2 (+ (car dbpt) (* 2.0 ds)))
      (setq dist (+ dist (nth (1- no) l)))
      (setq y2 (+ y1 dist))
      (setq pt1 (list x1 y2))
      (setq pt2 (list x2 y2))
      (LASET "dim")
      (command "line" pt1 pt2 "")
      (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
            (if (= sd "D")
               (setq x2 (+ (car dbpt) (* 8.0 ds)))
            (if (= sd "S")
               (setq x2 (car dbpt))
      (if (= ang1 0)
            (if (= sd "D")
               (setq x2 (- (car dbpt) (* 8.0 ds)))
            (if (= sd "S")
               (setq x2 (car dbpt))
       (setq pt (list x2 y2))
       (command "insert" "dimdot" pt (* 1.5 ds) "" "")
       (if (= sd "D")
             (if (or (= 1 no) (= no (1+ rno)))
                   (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
                         (setq pt (list (* -8.0 ds) 0.0))
                         (command "copy" "last" "" "0,0" pt)
                   (if (= ang1 0)
                         (setq pt (list (* 8.0 ds) 0.0))
                         (command "copy" "last" "" "0,0" pt)
      (setq no (1+ no))
   (setq pt1 (list (car dbpt) (+ (apply '+ rlist) (* 2.0 ds) (cadr dbpt))))
   (setq pt2 (list (car dbpt) (- (cadr dbpt) (* 2.0 ds))))
   (command "line" pt1 pt2 "")
   (if (= sd "D")
         (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
            (setq pt (list (* 8.0 ds) 0.0))
         (if (= ang1 0)
            (setq pt (list (* -8.0 ds) 0.0))
         (command "copy" "last" "" "0,0" pt)
; DWG dimsion-text
   (LASET "dim")
   (setq dist 0)
   (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
         (if (= sd "D")
               (setq l (append '(0.0) rlist))
               (setq x1 (+ (car dbpt) (* 7.0 ds))
                     y1 (cadr dbpt))
          (if (= sd "S")
             (setq y1 (cadr dbpt))
   (if (= ang1 0)
         (if (= sd "D")
            (setq l (append '(0.0) rlist))
         (if (= sd "S")
            (setq y1 (cadr dbpt))
   (if (= sd "D")
         (setq no 1)
         (repeat (1+ rno)
            (if (= no 1)
                  (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) (/ (apply '+ rlist) 2)))
                  (setq x2 (- (car dbpt) (* 1.0 ds)))
                  (setq txt (apply '+ rlist))
                  (setq txt (txtcon txt))
                  (setq pt (list x2 y2))
                  (setq h (* 3.0 ds))
                  (command "text" "c" pt h "90" txt)
                  (setq txt (nth (1- no) l))
                  (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
                     (setq y2 (+ y1 dist (/ txt 2)))
                  (if (= ang1 0)
                     (setq y2 (+ (cadr dbpt) dist (/ txt 2)))
                  (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
                     (setq x2 (+ (car dbpt) (* 7.0 ds)))
                  (if (= ang1 0)
                     (setq x2 (- (car dbpt) (* 9.0 ds)))
                  (setq dist (+ txt dist))
                  (setq txt (txtcon txt))
                  (setq pt (list x2 y2))
                  (setq h (* 3.0 ds))
                  (command "text" "c" pt h "90" txt)
            (setq no (1+ no))
   (if (= sd "S")
         (setq no 0)
         (repeat rno
            (setq txt (nth no rlist))
            (setq y2 (+ y1 dist (/ txt 2)))
            (setq x2 (- (car dbpt) (* 1.0 ds)))
            (setq dist (+ txt dist))
            (setq txt (txtcon txt))
            (setq pt (list x2 y2))
            (setq h (* 3.0 ds))
            (command "text" "c" pt h "90" txt)
            (setq no (1+ no))
; DWG Column-bubbles
   (setq a (strcase (getstring "\n>>> Do you want to draw column-bubbles? <n> : ")))
   (if (= a "Y")
         (setq no 1)
         (setq l (append '(0.0) rlist))
         (setq dist 0)
         (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
            (setq x1 (- (car dbpt) (* 6.0 ds)))
         (if (= ang1 0)
            (setq x1 (+ (car dbpt) (* 6.0 ds)))
         (setq y1 (cadr dbpt))  
         (repeat (1+ rno)
            (setq dist (+ dist (nth (1- no) l)))
            (setq y2 (+ y1 dist))
            (setq pt (list x1 y2))
            (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
               (setq ang "90")
            (if (= ang1 0)
               (setq ang "270")
            (bip pt ds ang)
            (setq a (strcase (getstring "\n>>> Here? <Column Number or No!> : ")))
            (if (= a "N")
            (command "erase" "last" "")
                  (if (= sd "D")
                        (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
                           (setq pt (list (- x1 (* 11.00 ds)) y2))
                        (if (= ang1 0)
                           (setq pt (list (+ x1 (* 11.00 ds)) y2))
                  (if (= sd "S")
                        (if (= ang1 (dtr 180))
                           (setq pt (list (- x1 (* 11.00 ds)) y2))
                        (if (= ang1 0)
                           (setq pt (list (+ x1 (* 11.00 ds)) y2))
                   (setq txt a)
                   (setq h (* 4.0 ds))
                   (setq ang "0")
                   (dbt pt h ang txt)
            (setq no (1+ no))
  ; Main Program

(defun C:DV(/ pt l no no1 no2 a dist os)
   (princ ">>> [DV] Vertical dimsion+Line.....")
      (setvar "orthomode" 1)
      (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
      (setq ds1 (getvar "dimscale"))
      (if (<= ds1 600)
         (setq ds (* 1.0 ds1))
      (if (> ds1 600)
         (setq ds (* 0.6666666 ds1))
      (command "style" "romans" "" "0" "" "" "" "" "")
      (initget 1 "S D  ")
      (if (= sd nil) (setq sd "S"))
      (setq sd1 (getkword (strcat "\n>>> <S>ingle or <D>ouble [" sd "] :")))
      (if (member sd1 '("S" "D")) (setq sd sd1))
      (setvar "blipmode" 1)
      (setvar "osmode" 1)
      (initget 1)
      (setq bpt (getpoint "\n>>> Pick Basepoint :"))
      (setq rlist '())
      (setq rno 0)
      (setq pt bpt)
      (while pt
         (setq no1 (itoa rno) no2 (itoa (1+ rno)))
         (setq a (strcat no1 " and " no2 ": "))
         (setvar "osmode" 128)
         (princ "\n>>> Pick Next Point :")
         (princ a)
         (setq dist (getdist pt))
         (if dist
               (setq pt (polar pt (/ pi 2.0) dist))
                  (setq dist (list dist))
                  (setq rlist (append rlist dist))
                  (setq rno (1+ rno))
               (setq pt nil)
         (setvar "osmode" 0)
         (LASET Q:LAINIT)
         (command "style" "romans" "" "0" "" "" "" "" "")
         (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
         (setvar "blipmode" 1)